Last night we ran off and joined watched the circus. Circus Vargas came to San Luis Obispo, so we had to go. It was everything I remembered as a kid, only better since I got to watch it through my kids eyes. I had to take the pictures in vintage hipstamatic feel as a homage to the circus of my youth. Isn't that how a circus should be?
The show was simply amazing. The performers were talented and the kids had so much fun. Aerial acts, motorcycles, balancing stuff on chins, hula hoops....on and on. It was a fun filled evening.
But the excitement didn't end when the show was over. Since Kyra has been doing aerial silks the owners of the silks studio set up an amazing special backstage tour after the show. Jon Weiss the host of the show could not have been nicer and more giving of his time. The stories he told and the memories of the evening will last a lifetime for my kids. Especially hearing about him trying to balance a 16 foot ladder on his chin, in the middle of Home Depot before buying it and how many times he was shot out of a cannon when he was younger. If Kyra wasn't already wanting to run off and join the circus, now she does for sure. And I think Nik is hooked too!
So if you live anywhere near where Circus Vargas is performing. Go...Be a kid again and see the circus!
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