April 12, 2011 in Giveaways and Contests | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Growing up in Palo Alto, all of the schools had small daisies planted in the grass fields. My friends and I used to spend all of our recess and lunch breaks tying them together to make beautiful crowns and daisy chain necklaces for each other as little thoughtful gifts.
I love the simplicity of daisies, the happiness and pure joy of them.
Our newest design is actually an old design, re-designed a bit. I found this adorable link chain and it fit so well. Several of my employees found the charms and asked me to bring them back. I introduced these charms first in 1999. I really can't remember why we stopped making them! I've always loved them.
Welcome back our daisy necklace.
Did you used to spend hours making daisy chains? Did your school have tiny daisies in the fields like mine?
Today's contest we are giving away one daisy necklace:
Manditory Entry: Tell us what simple gifts you like to give.
Additional entries: Tweet, Facebook or Blog about our contest with a link back to our blog. Then comment here for each thing you do. We will let Random.org pick the winner at 10pm PST tonight.
If you just can't wait, go shopping now.
April 12, 2011 in Giveaways and Contests, New Designs | Permalink | Comments (36)
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This week I'll be sharing about gifts. A few months back at church our associate pastor talked about the 5 love languages. How we show love and how we like to receive it. Words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch are the five love languages. The book is written from the perspective of marriage, but I think it holds true with all relationships in our lives.
It resonated with me on a deep level. How was I showing my love to those around me? How do I like to be shown love? I think all of us would agree that the entire list is important. But, for me the top three are words of affirmation, quality time and receiving gifts. Which also is how I like to show love. Kinda makes sense with the jewelry that I create doesn't it!
A few years ago I received a birthday gift from a friend. A hand sewn bag with a thoughtful card. It hit on all three of my love languages. A sweet gift, her time to make it and words of affirmation in the card. Knowing how busy she is with her three children, their house and her job made the gift even more special to me. She took the time out to pick out fabric I would love and a style that was perfect for me.
While expensive presents can be nice to receive, my favorite gifts are those that have taken some thought.
Kind thoughts and small thoughtful gifts are my favorite type of gifts.
So today we have a special GIFT you. Buy TWO of the same Pewter charm and get ONE extra free as a gift from us. Limit 20 free charms. Enter promo code: BUY2GET1 into the shopping cart. Only available for retail customers on orders placed April 11th, 2011.
April 11, 2011 in Fun Stuff, Giveaways and Contests | Permalink | Comments (1)
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Even after so many years in business there are things that still get me really excited. The other night I had one of those things happen. I got an email from one of my favorite all time ever blogs....
I'm over at Where Women Create today with an interview and Fabulous Friday Giveaway. If you aren't already familiar with the magazine and blog, are you in for a treat.
I spend hours pouring over the magazine and blog peeking into the creative spaces of so many other talented women artists. It is so inspiring. I just love seeing how people organize their work space. Just my thing.
So head over to their blog for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate to our website.
April 08, 2011 in Fun Stuff, Giveaways and Contests, Inspiration | Permalink | Comments (1)
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For the last week I've been driving by a fun patch of dandelions that had gone to seed. Why hadn't someone picked them and blown them away yet? What were all of those stored up wishes doing just sitting there? People walk by them everyday, why hadn't they pulled a few to cast their wishes into the air? Then I realized, they were waiting for us.
When I was a kid I never saved up my wishes. They would all come pouring out, Nik was the same way. Hey mom, can I do another one? How many wishes do I get? Look at all of these blowey flowers! I am SO lucky!
I love seeing wishes through his eyes. They are meant to be cast out into the universe. They are meant to be shared with the world.
Do you save up your wishes? Do you spread them far and wide? How do you work to make your wishes come true? For me I've found writing them down in a journal to helps me work towards making them come true. How do you keep yourself accountable to the wishes?
Stop saving up your wishes and let them all come out...
No more saving them, use all of your wishes.
April 07, 2011 in Giveaways and Contests, Inspiration | Permalink | Comments (1)
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There is a quote from Alan Alda that I just love.
Be brave enough to live creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You cannot get there by bus, only by hard work, risking and by not quite knowing what you are doing. What you will discover will be wonderful; yourself.
Alan Alda.
Sneak Peak of our new Matte Choker: Be Brave
It will be on the website next week
Extra entries. Tweet about the contest. Blog about the contest. Facebook about the contest. Comment for each thing you do.
We will choose and post the winner via Random.org at 10 pm PST.
April 06, 2011 in Giveaways and Contests, New Designs | Permalink | Comments (42)
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All month long we will be celebrating for my 45th birthday. Each week on the blog I will focus on one main topic. I will change up my normal blog routine to give you all some special treats. This week is all about lessons learned.
This summer I worked with my production assistant Carrie to help her make a ring. She picked a saying that was meaningful to her. It is SO Carrie and it so perfectly describes her outlook on life. Always Dreaming. She chose one of my smaller lowercase fun fonts. I have a bit of an obsession with steel stamps, so she had quite a few fonts to choose from.
Learning to look at things from a different and unique perspective. This time through someone else's eyes and thoughts, lead me in fun new directions. I had been wanting to add a few rings and this taught me to look past what I knew and open up to different possibilities. The new font choice is a fun and fresh take on our rings. It gives the rings a more whimsical feel. So of course I had to add a few new sayings into our ever popular ring collection. We did a sneak peak awhile back. Some of you have already called in to order them. So, I figured I needed to hurry up and get them on the website.
3. finding joy
We will be giving away one of the new rings today to a lucky blog reader.
Enter by telling us a time where you have looked at something from a different and unique perspective. What did it teach you? Where did it lead you? Were you able to come up with a better solution to a problem? Did you take a new direction in life?
We will choose the winner at 10pm PST and post the winner here on our blog.
April 04, 2011 in Giveaways and Contests, New Designs | Permalink | Comments (26)
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We had random choose the two winners.
Since we had the crazy double post and didn't catch it until people had posted on both. We counted the comments from our blog dashboard, so we could know who posted in what order. Sorry for any confusion.
The winners are:
Jill M.
We will send you both emails to get your shipping addresses.
Thanks so much everyone for joining in on the fun.
March 27, 2011 in Giveaways and Contests | Permalink | Comments (1)
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Fun contest this weekend.
We will be giving away two of our treasures party kits to two lucky winners. The kits includes 48 pewter charms and 24 chains along with a fun treasure box. You can build necklaces until you heart is full! $140 retail value for each kit.
We treasure our retailers, so this contest I want to share some of the love with the amazing stores that carry Amy Peters' Studio lovely jewels. They can "win" gift certificates by you telling eveyone how great they are!
1) First Entry (manditory): Tell us how you first discovered Amy Peters' Studio. Was it through a store, Facebook, twitter, from a friend's lovely gift....how did you first discover treasure? Tell us how much you love our retailers!
Additional Entries:
This is where it gets really fun for our retailers. For every picture we get of their store or of you wearing Amy Peters' Studio jewelry from their store we will give them a $25 off certificate for their next order with Amy Peters' Studio. Up to $100 off. (the fine print, you can not be the owner or an employee of the store you are entering about, so get your customers excited to do this for you!)
2) Send us a picture of your favorite Amy Peters' Studio retailer to:
sales (at) AmyPetersStudio.com
3) Send us a picture of you wearing Amy Peters' Studio jewels and tell us where you got the beautiful jewels to:
sales (at) AmyPetersStudio.com
Any pictures we receive will possibly be used on our blog.
More additional entries.
4) First follow us on Twitter, then Tweet about your the contest for Amy Peters' Studio jewelry. Example (Discovered Treasure Contest @AmyPetersStudio jewelry enter at http://www.amypeters.blogs.com ) Make sure to use our @ tag so we can track it.
5) First "like" us on Facebook, then post about the contest on your Facebook page with the @AmyPetersStudioJewelry tag Example: Discovered Treasure Contest @AmyPetersStudioJewelry enter at http://www.amypeters.blogs.com
WOW! 5 entries possible. For each entry respond here on our blog (click here if you are reading on facebook)
We will have Random.org choose the number winner on Sunday evening and hopefully share some of the amazing pictures of stores then too!
March 25, 2011 in Giveaways and Contests | Permalink | Comments (29)
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Fun contest this weekend.
We will be giving away two of our treasures party kits to two lucky winners. The kits includes 48 pewter charms and 24 chains along with a fun treasure box. You can build necklaces until you heart is full! $140 retail value for each kit.
We treasure our retailers, so this contest I want to share some of the love with the amazing stores that carry Amy Peters' Studio lovely jewels. They can "win" gift certificates by you telling eveyone how great they are!
1) First Entry (manditory): Tell us how you first discovered Amy Peters' Studio. Was it through a store, Facebook, twitter, from a friend's lovely gift....how did you first discover treasure? Tell us how much you love our retailers!
Additional Entries:
This is where it gets really fun for our retailers. For every picture we get of their store or of you wearing Amy Peters' Studio jewelry from thier store we will give them a $25 off certificate for their next order with Amy Peters' Studio. Up to $100 off. (the fine print, you can not be the owner or an employee of the store you are entering about, so get your customers excited to do this for you!)
2) Send us a picture of your favorite Amy Peters' Studio retailer to:
sales (at) AmyPetersStudio.com
3) Send us a picture of you wearing Amy Peters' Studio jewels and tell us where you got the beautiful jewels to:
sales (at) AmyPetersStudio.com
Any pictures we receive will possibly be used on our blog.
More additional entries.
4) Tweet about your the contest for Amy Peters' Studio jewelry. Example (Discovered Treasure Contest @AmyPetersStudio jewelry enter at http://www.amypeters.blogs.com ) Make sure to use our @ tag so we can track it.
5) Post about the contest on your Facebook page with the @AmyPetersStudioJewelry tag Example: Discovered Treasure Contest @AmyPetersStudioJewelry enter at http://www.amypeters.blogs.com
WOW! 5 entries possible. For each entry respond here on our blog (click here if you are reading on facebook)
We will have Random.org choose the number winner on Sunday evening and hopefully share some of the amazing pictures of stores then too!
March 25, 2011 in Giveaways and Contests | Permalink | Comments (3)
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Amy Peters Studio Copyright 2011