When I was younger my mother was a stay at home mom. As we grew and became less dependent on her she decided a part time job would be fun. She found a job as a secretary at Stanford University for several research professors.
The students she also worked with would often travel and they would return with small gifts for my mom. Not wanting them to spend money on her, my mom suggested they bring her a pebble from where they had traveled.
She has always collected rocks, shells and pebbles whenever she is out and about. This way she could be connected to the places she might never have a chance to visit.
Over the years she collected hundreds of pebbles, each inscribed with where it was from and who had given it to her. The pebbles and memories of those students mean so much.
When a pebble is dropped into a pond it creates ripple effects that can be felt far away. What has created ripples in your life? Who or what has touched you? Where do you want your ripples to reach?
Pebbles. Small sterling silver tags can be hand stamped with special words, a date or a meaninful saying. Next to it hangs a beach pebble chosen to adorn the necklace as a sweet reminder of the ripples that have touched and changed you. Strung on our adorable long and short link chain. I love that the pebble can be worn in back of the tag or in front to keep the message hidden and just for you.
We have been listening to our customers and we have heard you loud and clear. You want more additions to our personalized line. The next two weeks we have a lot of new hand stamped designs to share.
For this Contest: We will choose two winners. We are giving away both of our example necklaces to two lucky readers.
First Entry: Tell us about the ripples in your life, that have affected you.
Extra Entries: Tweet, Facebook or blog about this giveaway.
We will let Random.org Choose the winner on Sunday Night at 10 pm
omg, how neat!!! such a great story behind the necklace. i love it.
after having my daughter i began to see life differently. every choice we make has a ripple effect not only on our future self, but so many others. on example is: how i raise my children, it not only affect "us" but how they treat others as they grow.
Posted by: kristanlynn | April 15, 2011 at 07:29 AM
My grandparents significantly created ripples in my life. They were an inspiring example of a good work ethic, honest character and unconditional love. I aspire to leave the same ripples in lives around me.
Posted by: Summer | April 15, 2011 at 09:53 AM
These are great necklaces and a terrific story! Although I've cherished every day of my three son's lives, having my youngest go through open heart surgery at 14 months definitely created a ripple in my life. I do not take anything that he does or says for granted and am in awe that a year later he is stronger and healthier than ever before. His illness definitely taught me to slow down, relax and enjoy the "now moments" in our lives.
Posted by: Courtney | April 15, 2011 at 09:58 AM
I LOVE this :-) I'd put "can't means won't" in honor of my own mom's shortened version of Henry Ford's "whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right!" My lifetime motto I hope to pass to my own kids :-)
Posted by: Christina | April 15, 2011 at 12:32 PM
My Mum is also a rock collector. She likes rocks that have patterns and she looks for pictures or stories in the rocks. She has passed that love of nature onto me, however I actually like to collect little pebbles that remind me of a special event in my life. I love your Mum's collection - that's really special.
Posted by: [email protected] | April 15, 2011 at 03:22 PM
This is so cool! That rock collection of your mom's must be amazing!
Ripples in my life - my kids:) Kids are amazing and difficult, so very worth every struggle.
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Posted by: lindsay | April 15, 2011 at 03:33 PM
I posted about your giveaway on facebook!
Posted by: lindsay | April 15, 2011 at 03:35 PM
I'm a rock collector, too, with rocks from places I've been. I always look for heart-shaped rocks and often find them! What are the rocks I've dropped in the pond? 1. I took a chance six years ago because I knew how to teach and began teaching rubber stamp classes. 2. I took early retirement and that has made a huge difference in my life and that of my parents. 3. I've been blogging for awhile and sharing my art that way, too. 4. Since my breast cancer diagnosis last summer, I've looked at my treatment days as Spa Days and have kept a positive attitude, blogging about my experiences and creating art that has helped in my journey. We never know who we will touch by what we do, who we are, what we share. Anne, yourmainestamper
Posted by: Anne Thompson | April 15, 2011 at 05:43 PM
love the story !! my ripples are my friends...the best one being my husband. He loves me for who I am and that has given me the strength to follow my dreams !
Posted by: heather siessel | April 15, 2011 at 06:45 PM
posted to facebook !
Posted by: Heather Leake | April 15, 2011 at 06:47 PM
This story of your mother just touched my heart! I never thought of collecting rocks from the places I've been, but it's definitely a keeper!
As for ripples - I can't say that there are many coming from me just yet, but there have been many wonderful people that have passed along thoughts, ideas and encouragement - my mentor especially. She does my heart a lot of good!
Posted by: Mandy | April 15, 2011 at 07:58 PM
My teaching mentor has created ripples in my life this year. She really challenged me to see children and learning in a new way. Her phrase "It's not that you can't, it's that you simply haven't learned how to yet," really sticks with me.
Posted by: Kim Campbell | April 15, 2011 at 08:31 PM
the birth of my first child, my son, last year probably created the biggest ripple of my life to date. what an amazing process it is, becoming a parent, and learning at each stage how to become a better parent/person. being a mom has given me a new confidence in myself, that i hope to pass on to my children.
p.s. LOVE these necklaces! :)
Posted by: Tara E | April 16, 2011 at 07:47 AM
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/curious_kitty/status/59266739837468672
Posted by: Tara E | April 16, 2011 at 07:51 AM
I collect sand/gravel from every place I've visited and keep them in little spice jars. I've always thought it was a nice, inexpensive souvenir!
The ripples in my life are the people who inspire me, and I try to inspire others and make my own ripples. This is most obvious in my running - I am inspired by people who are faster than me and accomplish more, while I try to get faster and better thereby inspiring others and so on...
Posted by: Lisa | April 16, 2011 at 01:52 PM
Posted by: Lisa | April 16, 2011 at 01:54 PM
Posted on facebook! :)
Posted by: Kim Campbell | April 16, 2011 at 04:51 PM
My mom and dad have created ripples in my life and continue to do so every single day. They have inspired me so much... Helped me in every possible way imaginable. They have always been there through me through thick and thin. Helped me to be the stong, independent person that I am today. My mother is my best friend. I admire both my mom and dad more than anyone. :)
Posted by: Jennifer Puckett | April 16, 2011 at 05:08 PM
My wife has touched my life in so many positive ways. She inspires me all the time to be a better person and she is my best friend.
Posted by: Joey Puckett | April 16, 2011 at 05:29 PM
My bride has changed my life as well. I feel blessed from above everyday that she has chosen me to be her husband and I love her more as time goes on. I hope that I can win this for her because your jewelry is her favorite.
Posted by: Philip Campbell | April 17, 2011 at 05:26 AM