Amy Peters

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« family {ties} | Main | rings and promises {winner} »

April 19, 2011


I hate being the first comment! But oh well, this is an easy one for me! Although your rings are my favorite things, I love the idea of getting the children's names on the ring for Mother's Day, and that is exactly what I would do! My mom loves her rings, and is constantly losing a stone, or some other ring fiasco, but this would certainly last a life-time.
Thanks for the nifty idea and the customization option! <3

I would have the names of my three children...there is no end to my love for them!

Tweeted too!

Just FACEBOOKED about this awesome contest and how much I would like to win it! :-)
Mandy Carte
Very very excited about today's contest at Amy Peters' Studio! Would love to win and gift to a certain MOM I know! :-) ♥

...and TWEETED about it! :-) (@FireFlyFairyTale) AND Referred my little sister to your page so she can enter too! :-) <3
Thanks Amy!

I would have it stamped "way in the moon" - it's the phrase we say after I love you to my niece and nephews. It would be a great reminder of how many I love and how many love me way in the moon.

I would love the words love, hope and faith on a ring. They would be daily reminders of what I need to get me through the day.

Would love to have a ring with the word grace on it - that's my word for the year!

I think if I were buying a ring for myself, I would put something like 'patience' or find a quote I liked having to do with patience. I never feel like I have enough and I'd love a reminder on my hand :)

Oh my goodness. I just LOVE the may your wildest dreams come true one. LOVE LOVE LOVE it! It is so cheerful to me.
Thanks for the giveaway!

I posted about this giveaway on facebook.

I loved your story! And I love this idea! If I had the ring engraved- I'd love for it to say "Any road"
I've determined my words to live by for this portion of my life is "if you dont know where you're going, any road will take you there" Its actually the cheshire cat- but I think it applies to me right now. I don't know what I will be doing even 2 years from now, but I know that with hard work, I will get whereever I should be!

I also tweeted- I really love these rings!!

I would be in love with a ring that said 'fearlessness' because I'm at a point in my life that I need to live that! I'm trying like heck to just let life play out and not try to force it!

I love these rings of yours! They are perfect! I'm not sure what I would have it say...
"Chase your dreams"
"Never give up"
"Art is life"
"Let it shine, Let it shine, let it shine!"

I would love a ring with the word "deliver" on it. It has been my mantra of late when I am struggling with work or my confidence, I use the mantra "deliver" to remind me that I keep my word and AM ABLE to deliver on what I say I'm capable of doing.

I tweeted! @dlk3265

I just realized my first comment didn't go through. So, here is the second attempt.

I have several phrases that I'd love to see on a ring.

Just Do It ("Do" is my word for 2011)
Always Forever
All Is Well
Ask Seek Knock
Keep On, Keeping On

My dear husband actually said this to me once "our love is made of dawn" and I would love to have it on a ring! Thanks, Amy. Love your stuff!!

I love your "always dreaming" ring. When I saw that I thought it fit my life perfectly. So you already said it best for me. Great contest!

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