Amy Peters

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« amazing {gift} of life | Main | blog sugar ticket {winner} »

April 14, 2011


I've been reading all about BlogSugar from Rachel's site and just would love to go. I am a new reader to No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane but really enjoy her writings. Very inspiring and makes me think about things differently.

My 1st pocket thought would have to go to Rachel because I'm love reading about how much her family and faith mean to her. She wears her heart on her sleeve and isn't afraid to show that.

Just tweeted it

OH MY GOODNESS!! I want to go so badly! I missed out on CE too. I'm in Cali and could definitely go to Blog Sugar! I would give my first lovely pocket thought to Alissa from @ragstostitches. She has become such a good twitter friend to me. Thanks for the GIVEAWAY!! Hope I win!

I tweeted!

I shared on FB!/AlwaysInWonder/posts/208553069169622

Oh, and on twitter, my name is @alwaysnwonder

I would love to go to BlogSugar! I was so excited when I heard about it from Gussy. I love that the conference focuses on blogging and where is the Lord taking you. It's just perfection.

I tweeted about it. @funkyfaithgirl

I posted on Facebook about it

I really, really want to go to Blog Sugar and was saving my pennies to go, but my husband was recently involuntarily terminated from his job and I'm a stay a home mom so, naturally, my saved pennies are going to have to go towards meeting other needs. I'm so disappointed, but I know that if God really wants me to be there, he will find a way to help me get there. Hopefully it's through winning this entrance ticket. *fingers crossed*

I live in CA and didn't make it to CE either. If I win this ticket I would give my pocket coins to lovely, amazing ladies like Jennifer from @alwaysnwonder, Nicole from Olive Blue, Kristen from @rockabow and Erin from @bringingupburns.

I just Tweeted about it~

I just blogged about it....

I just posted on my facebook:

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